Monday, August 24, 2020

Issues Associated With Mental Health-Free-Samples-Myassignment

Questions: 1.What structure does Stigmatization of Mental Health Issues take here? Give models. 2.Are there Positive portrayals of Mental Health and Mental Health Care in our Culture? Assuming this is the case, give models. 3.What should be possible to Challenge Stigma around Mental Health? What would individuals be able to do? What would communities be able to do? Answers: 1.Mental wellbeing is profoundly defamed in different nations especially in poor and war torn nations like Africa, Syria and India. In West Africa mental scatters are viewed as a type of black magic or dark enchantment. Individuals with psychological maladjustments are deserted by their families. They believe psychological instability to be a type of bewitchment. The families desert the individual with psychological instability in the supplication places, which are bottomless in the nation. The people are fastened to trees or shakes and they are compelled to quick. As per them, God can recuperate them and supplication is the main type of treatment. They have no food and protect and experience the ill effects of schizophrenia, bipolar confusion, among others. Syria is a war torn nation, where individuals see their families get murdered because of bombings. This influences their psychological wellness, especially the kids. They experience the ill effects of discouragement and posttraum atic stress issue (PTSD). The kids have forceful conduct, take up drugs, join posses, floats towards wrongdoing and brutality and exact self-hurt upon them. In India, individuals with psychological sickness are surrendered by families and they end up in roads, where they endure different types of misuses. Individuals stay anchored in medical clinics and this had caused the passing of various patients when the emergency clinic burst into flames. The patients passed on in the fire as there were nobody to unchain them. Psychological sickness is considered as black magic and controlled by spirits. 2.In Ontario, Canada, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), reports bulletins managing busting of social marks of shame related with emotional well-being. Dysfunctional behaviors are delineated in a positive light and positive depictions are featured. Magazines center around despondencies and reports the individual battles of people who have effectively struggled different psychological instabilities like wretchedness. They additionally urge people in general to end segregation and disgrace related with psychological sickness. Different movies and TV programs are made, where the characters manage psychological sickness yet they defeat their issues with the assistance of prescription and treatment. Clinical wellbeing suppliers do advising meetings and instructive framework helps the understudies in adapting to their ailment and urges them to accomplish their instructive objectives. 3.Education and mindfulness are the most significant instruments to battle against shame fixated on emotional wellness. People can take activities to create clinical focuses, where prescription and directing is given. Besides, kids experiencing sorrow are exposed to different mending programs like workmanship treatment and perceptions, which encourages them to picture an ameliorating and safe spot. Networks can complete training projects and mindfulness battles to instruct the average citizens about dysfunctional behavior. Social insurance suppliers can team up with non-Government Organizations (NGOs) to do free advising for needy individuals in the city. In addition, volunteers can go to every single house and give mediation techniques like craftsmanship and music treatments and activities for people experiencing psychological instability. Networks can be urged to give security, food and safe house for individuals who have been surrendered by families because of their state of mind. Specialists can work together with conventional healers to give the most ideal consideration to the patients. In conclusion, work can protect the lives of individuals adapting to mental disarranges.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Consecuencias de tener bebé en EE.UU. como turista

Consecuencias de tener bebã © en EE.UU. como turista Tener un hijo en Estados Unidos mientras se est en el paã ­s en condiciã ³n de turista puede tener consecuencias migratorias positivas y tambiã ©n muy negativas. Esto aplica an aquellas personas extranjeras que ingresan con visa de turista, con visa lser tambiã ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce y, por à ºltimo, a los que ingresan sin visa bajo el Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visados. En este artã ­culo se explica el efecto positivo y por el que realmente los padres pueden sentirse inclinados a que su bebã © nazca en Estados Unidos. Pero tambiã ©n se hace referencia pormenorizada a las posibles consecuencias negativas, ya que cada vez child ms frecuentes y, por regla general, puede decirse que los padres nunca piensan en ellas, hasta que se encuentran con el problema. Por à ºltimo, se explica cã ³mo evitar las consecuencias negativas para lo cual se menciona cul es el costo medio de dar a luz en Estados Unidos, el paã ­s de task el mundo donde es ms caro nacer. Consecuencias positivas cuando turista da a luz en EE.UU. Tasks los bebã ©s nacidos en el paã ­s child ciudadanos americanos desde el momento de su nacimiento con la excepciã ³n de los hijos de diplomticos que se encuentran en Estados Unidos en dicha funciã ³n. En este caso, el bebã © adquiere la nacionalidad de sus padres. El resto de bebã ©s, es decir, los que no child hijos de diplomticos destinados en Estados Unidos, adquieren la ciudadanã ­a en virtud de lo que se conoce como ius soli. Es indiferente el estatus migratorio de los padres, tampoco importaâ si residen habitualmente en Estados Unidos o solamete estn de paso o disfrutando una temporada. Con el acta de nacimiento del reciã ©n nacido se puede obtener un pasaporte para el menor, teniendo en cuenta que para solicitarlo han de estar presentes el bebã © y los dos padres y, si no fuera posible la presencia de ambos, feed que cumplir con otros requisitos legales. El niã ±o o la niã ±a ser ciudadanos americanos de por vida, a menos que renuncien expresamente a ser estadounidenses o de adultos realicen alguna acciã ³n que tenga como castigo la pã ©rdida de la nacionalidad. Seguirn siendo estadounidenses aunque al poco de nacer regresen al paã ­s de sus paps y vivan all el resto de sus vidas y adquieran tambiã ©n la ciudadanã ­a de los padres. En cuanto a posibles derechos migratorios de los paps de un niã ±o ciudadano americano feed que decir que existen muchas thoughts equivocadas, ya que un ciudadano estadounidense menor de 21 aã ±os jams puede reclamar papeles para sus padres. Y aã ºn en ese caso existen lã ­mites segã ºn el estatus migratorio de los padres en Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, dar a luz en Estados Unidos no da derecho a los padres a quedarse en el paã ­s ni a normal la situaciã ³n. Por à ºltimo, roughage que tener en cuenta otra cuestiã ³n importante, que es la de la doble nacionalidad. Estados Unidos no pone problemas a la hora de que un bebã © nacido en el paã ­s adquiera tambiã ©n otra nacionalidad por razã ³n de sus padres. Sin ban, no tasks los paã ­ses admiten la doble nacionalidad, por lo tanto ese es un tema que cada padre y madre debe verificar con su embajada o consulado. Consecuencias negativas de tener un hijo en EE.UU. como turista Para evitar tener problemas roughage que tener un seguro mã ©dico o pagar del propio bolsillo tasks los gastos mã ©dicos derivados del nacimiento. En este punto destacar que es prcticamente imposible obtener un seguro mã ©dico en Estados Unidos o en otro paã ­s que cubra a los turistas los gastos de dar a luz. Esto significa en la prctica que el padre y/o la madre deben hacerse freight de los gastos del nacimiento del bebã © y de posibles cuidados mã ©dicos que necesite la madre. El problema es que en Estados Unidos dar a luz es muy caro, si bien feed importantes diferencias entre estados. Asã ­, segã ºn datos de International Federation of Health Plans, el costo medio de dar a luz de forma regular y sin complicaciones es de $10.808. En el caso de ser necesaria una cesrea, el costo medio es de $51.125, segã ºn datos de Childbirth Connection. Los gastos se incrementan en el caso de complicaciones, partos prematuros y necesidad de incubadora o partos mã ºltiples. En muchas ocasiones los paps extranjeros desconocen que estos child los costos y cuando llega el momento del parto acuden al emergency clinic sin seguro mã ©dico y sin dinero suficiente para cubrir los costos. En estos casos, se le asigna un trabajador social y el recibo ocasionado por el nacimiento lo cubre Medicaidâ de Emergencia, un seguro gubernamental que cubre los gastos mã ©dicos de los estadounidenses ms pobres y de ciertos extranjeros como residentes permanentes legales en casos muy concretos, refugiados y asilados. Y aquã ­ es donde se origina el problema, al ocasionar un gasto a las arcas pã ºblicas americanas y convertirse asã ­ en lo que se conoce como una carga pã ºblica. Posibles consecuencias de no pagar gastos de nacimiento Si no se paga por el nacimiento de un bebã © y Medicaid se hace payload del gasto pueden surgir graves problemas migratorios. En groundwork lugar, la visa de ambos padres puede ser revocada o cancelada. Para entender esto feed que recordar que una de las condiciones para que se conceda la visa en groundwork lugar es probar que no se va a ser una carga pã ºblica para el gobierno americano. Y al dejar sin pagar una factura mã ©dica a la que debe hacer frente Medicaid se ha hecho precisamente eso. Por lo tanto, es muy posible quedarse sin visa. Adems, puede que el main de la visa no se entere de que à ©sta ha sido cancelada hasta que intenta entrar de nuevo an Estados Unidos y se encuentra con problemas en la aduana y que no se le permite la entrada. Asimismo, puede suceder que cuando se va al consulado a renovar la visa, se niegue la solicitud. Esto aplica tambiã ©n a los padres con visa lser y a los que ingresaron sin visa por el Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visados. En este caso, podrã ­an perder este privilegio. El problema no suele surgir de inmediato, sino en el momento de renovar la visa o la ESTA o cuando se solicita la renovaciã ³n del pasaporte estadounidense del hijo. Por el tipo de preguntas que se realizan en los formularios queda claro que el bebã © naciã ³ cuando la mam estaba como turista en Estados Unidos y se pueden hacer preguntas para determinar si los padres pagaron por el parto y pueden demostrarlo o, por el contrario, si fueron una carga pã ºblica.  ¿Es posible arreglar el problema pagando ms tarde a Medicaid? No, no es posible. Esto lo intentan muchos padres cuando se encuentra con el problema entre las manos. Pero Medicaid simplemente no tiene establecido un trmite para recuperar el dinero en estos casos, sã ³lo cuando ha habido fraude. A consecuencia de ello, esa deuda queda siempre ahã ­ pendiente y puede ser el origen de muchos disgustos relacionados con rechazos de visas y otras peticiones migratorias.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando se viaja an EE.UU. para evitar estos problemas? La soluciã ³n es viajar siempre con un buen seguro mã ©dico y/o con dinero suficiente para hacer frente a gastos sanitarios. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que los gastos mã ©dicos en Estados Unidos child altã ­simos y que un parto sin complicaciã ³n alguna puede costar varios miles de dã ³lares. Feed que destacar que muchos seguros mã ©dicos excluyen cubrir por un parto en el extranjero y que ningã ºn seguro mã ©dico de Estados Unidos va a cubrir por un parto de una persona de otro paã ­s que quiere venir a dar a luz aquã ­. Si pagã ³ por el parto es muy recomendable que lleve consigo las facturas siempre que viaje an Estados Unidos. Si flood un problema en la aduana por este motivo, conveniente tener a mano justificaciã ³n del pago. Tambiã ©n es altamente recomendableâ no quedarse ms tiempo del permitido, ni siquiera alegando que se reciã ©n se tuvo un bebã © y que estaba muy chiquito para viajar o que estaba enfermo o la madre no estaba recuperada del parto. Esa no es razã ³n vlida para permanecer en Estados Unidos ms all del tiempo autorizado.â Precisamente para evitar posibles problemas en los que se puede incurrir por ignorancia, es recomendableâ tomar esteâ quiz, inconsequential o test sobre visasâ de gran ayuda para conocer lo crucial sobre cã ³mo obtener la visa y cã ³mo conservarla. Curiosidad sobre bebã ©s hispanos en Estados Unidos El alto à ­ndice de nacimientos latinos en Estados Unidos ha colocado a los hispanos como la minorã ­a ms numerosa, habiendo sobrepasado a los afroamericanos. Un reflejo de ello es que tres apellidos hispanos se encuentran entre los 10 ms comunes. Este artã ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful para ningã ºn caso en specific.

Search warrents Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Search warrents - Research Paper Example Be that as it may, the warrant need not determine the way where the hunt will be directed. The law shows essential procedures and examination strategies which the official must have at the rear of their psyche if a fruitful criminal examination is required. The official must get clear definitional issues alongside the recognizable proof and assessment of the sorts and wellsprings of data required in criminal examinations (Rotenberg, 2002). The criminal equity forms in the genuine sense do differ from state to state. Be that as it may, the general principles and strategies for criminal equity create in the accompanying stages: Investigation: An individual, for example, who has seen stash items carried over the outskirts and kept in a particular structure, may call law implementation officials so as to report the wrongdoing. An examination will along these lines be propelled dependent on the witness’s protest. Court order: If the exploring officials accept that there is proof de pendent on the witness’s guarantee, they may attempt to acquire a court order from the court permitting them to look through the premises. The directing adjudicator will survey the data put together by the cop in the sworn statement whether there is reasonable justification to help it (Rotenberg, 2002). ... On the off chance that an official has a reasonable justification to accept that the individual being referred to has carried out a wrongdoing, regardless of whether the wrongdoing was not dedicated in their quality, the official may capture the suspect. Prosecution: Officers may choose to record criminal allegations either previously or following capturing the suspect. Much of the time, the criminal equity procedure will begin by filling a grumbling or data, and afterward followed by a rand jury procedures bringing about a prosecution or a primer hearing (Rotenberg, 2002). Arraignment: This is normally the introduction of the charges in an open court. This procedure might be called starter hearing yet relying upon the state being referred to. During this time, the charges are perused to the denounced individual by the adjudicator and asked either to concede or not blameworthy. For the most part, the denounced legal advisor might be available, or the attorney named by the court to sp eak to the litigant. The charged individual regularly is approached to introduce a security called bail. Bail is advanced just to guarantee that the denounced individual appears for additional criminal procedures, which may incorporate preliminary and sentence (Pitowsky, 2002). For the most part the bail is in the fiscal nature, and can either be paid in real money, as bail security or as a promise of property if at all the court permits this type of security. Prerequisite of a court order in United Kingdoms and USA Requirements of court order ordinarily contrast contingent upon the state. Take United Kingdom for instance, court orders are given by the neighborhood officer and requires a constable to give a proof to help the warrant application. As a rule where the cop has just held a charged in guardianship, searches of the premises can be made without warrant

Friday, August 21, 2020

Should College Athletes Get Paid To Play Essays - Student Athlete

Should College Athletes Get Paid To Play Should College Athletes Get Paid To Play Disregard the match dominating touchdown, disregard the team promoter sweetheart, and overlook the display. Shouldn't something be said about the well deserved cash school competitors will never observe and earned? In the realm of school sports its success or return home, and to the champs go the crown jewels. Best school sports groups rake in a great many dollars in income. Steve Spurrier, the mentor for the Florida Gators marked a multi year contract where he would make a little over 2.5 million dollars every year excluding certain advantages like a free vehicle for his better half. So with the establishments and mentors getting rich off their player who is to state that the player doesn't merit a portion of the riches? Most school competitors get around 200-250 dollars per month for everyday costs and going through cash, this is exceptionally little contrasted with the understudy who has the opportunity to work. A few people say that competitors get paid by having a grant yet in the event that you take a gander at the ulterior intention behind grants I figure individuals would adjust their perspectives. Mentors attempt to get players who they think have the ability to make them win and to convince them to go to their school they attempt to give them grants. So the entire thought behind a grant is to bait the understudy to go to your school. Grants are only an enrollment strategy. Dont confound what I am stating however I dont figure school players ought to make a huge number of dollars yet there ought to be a set compensation for all players regardless of in the event that they make the features ordinary or ride the pine. The players should make in any event what an individual who works making eight dollars and hour would make in a year, and that is a humble compensation as well. Each player of a school sport places in incalculable worker hours of work to their game as opposed to going out and finding a new line of work they need to dedicate all their opportunity to this. An enormous discussion is should players reserve the privilege to their resemblances? On the off chance that you go to a book shop in Jacksonville you would presumably discover a Rex Grosseman shirt available to be purchased for around one-hundred-and-fifty dollars. Presently despite the fact that it has his name on it and his number none of the cash that was utilized to buy the pullover will ever observe Grossemans hands, the cash as a rule goes to numerous divisions including the Dean of the school however none of the cash goes to the athletic office. So who has the privilege to choose if the children who placed in their essences into their game ought not get paid? The NCAA has restricted school players from accepting additional advantages from anyone. As of late however the NCAA has started to reexamine their choice regarding this matter, with players and school getting captured constantly for giving and accepting additional advantages the NCAA are beginning to consider improving their laws. It is adverse to both the schools name and the players for being gotten for additional advantage outrages. A few people say that there is a lot under the table installment proceeding to implement in any case. On the off chance that the competitors got what they merited and got paid to play this would not be an issue. Paying competitors to play ought to be lawful they invested an excess of energy into it not to get paid. So while the mentors get paid more than the President of the United States does players kick back and must be content with the perspiration away from them as installment. Without the players mentors would not get paid as much as they do no one goes to see a school game to see the mentor in real life they go to see the players. No one turns on the TV to perceive how well the mentor will respond in a game they watch it to see their group, their players in real life. So there is a lot of contention in the realm of school sports about where the cash ought to go. Would it be a good idea for it to all go to the schools and mentors? Or on the other hand should the players that make the games conceivable and make the mentors compensations and

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Startup Sesame Features Jennifer Kanyamibwa MIA 16 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Startup Sesame Features Jennifer Kanyamibwa MIA 16 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Were resharing this post of featuring Jennifer Kanyamibwa MIA 16 and dual degree student, with the permission of Startup Sesame. Here at #SesameHQ, we believe in the potential for entrepreneurs to change the world, so we make sure our Sesamers are meeting the right people, at the right event at the right time. We’re proud to have an  international pool of mentors experts  helping us support our startups. Joining this group of #RockstarMentors, we’re excited to introduce you to Jennifer Kanyamibwa, Senior Design Program Manager for the Design and User Research Team at Twitter! Serendipitously, Jennifer and  Suzanne  first met in San Francisco during a visit to #SlackHQ, where Jennifer was previously working as Design Studio Manager. Check out our recent #MentorSpotlight interview with Jennifer  ?? Let’s start with a quick snapshot of your academic professional background; what path did you  take? I lived, worked and studied in New York City, Brussels, Berlin and San Francisco and hold a Master in International Affairs with a focus on Technology, Media Communications from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and Master in Public Policy with a focus on Public Management from Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Germany. Both my academic and professional experiences provided me with a global understanding of how technology works in every facet of human life. Tell us more about your experiences in government and finance and how they relate to  tech? Well, I started my career working in the New York City Mayor’s Office in the Bloomberg administration for the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services so all of New York Cities agencies and programs that have to do with public assistance, homelessness services, public hospitals as well as the research and evaluation components of understanding if programs were effective in serving the citizen of New York City etc…these were major programs with many challenges and opportunities and since it was the Bloomberg administration, I learned about the importance of using research and evaluation to solve problems and understand metrics?â€"?similar to many approaches used to understand users and metrics in technology. New York In terms of finance, I worked as a Global Project Manager at Bloomberg LP where I received my formal project management and operations skills. I managed global finance projects including an award-winning, year-long project where I led Engineering, RD and Global Payroll teams in São Paulo, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London and New York City in the design and implementation of a new global payroll system. After this project I had such a world of experience in (1) Working cross-functionally (2) Breaking down complex issues in order to achieve big results and (3) Understanding the global impact of improved technologies and the cultural competency needed to manage and inspire global team?â€"?-these are lessons I have brought to every job and tech since then. Whether it be the consultative work I did with Nike, my current board work as Ambassador Council member for International Crisis Group or even the academic work I did in grad school at Columbia University and the Hertie School of Government i n Berlin, Germany?â€"?these three lessons are my guiding lights. Since you are new to Twitter, what are some things you are looking to achieve with your  role? At Twitter, we (my manager and myself) are building up the Strategy and Operations arm of the Design and User Research Department. What this means is that as the Design and User Research Department scales, I am building out the processes and cultural components to ease collaboration and amplify effectiveness, not only across product disciplines, but also between the increasingly complex world of Product Design and User Research. We are the arm that does all the strategic and operational things to retain and find talent and to scale and buildout a world class design org at Twitter. It’s a very exciting role that combines my passions and expertise in design ops, program management, operations and strategy. Twitter Headquarters (SFO) What are some of your favorite books, magazines or podcasts that inform and/or relate to your  work? In terms of magazines, I love  Communication Arts  it’s an amazing publication that covers the best in graphic design, advertising, photography, illustration and interactive media. Its very creative and really inspiring. I also love the book  Designing Design  which is a great book on design thinking by Japanese graphic designer  Kenya Hara. My favorite design podcast is  Revison Path  which is a weekly showcase of the world’s leading Black creatives, graphic designers, web designers, product designers and web developers. My love for learning more about design was a direct result of working with extremely talented designers at Slack and Tech Open Air. Particularly  Angelica Mckinley,  Chris Reath,  Viet Huynh  (all based in the Bay Area and NYC)  Amit Barnea  and  John Michael (both based in Berlin) I am also super inspired by the cultural and artistic writing of  Antwaun Sargent  (who is a prominent art critic, prolific writer and a friend) his work is creative, passionate and forward thinking?â€"?all things I believe are also critical to good design. Last but certainly not least, what is your experience with Tech  events? I actually got my start in tech with  Tech Open Air  ( Editorial) in Berlin, Germany. I had a position as Special Advisor to the CEO/Founder  Niko LeWoi (aka Mr. TOA)  (great boss and mentor!). I started off doing research around tech policy issues for example driverless cars and then I ended up working on presentations about emerging tech ecosystems and finally working with the Program Team, Production Team and the Design Studio at TOA with projects and during the entire festival, I shadowed the CEO it was AMAZING! I also got to speak at  Pirate Summit  in Cologne, Germany. I spoke on two panels:  Getting More Women into Tech  and  The Future of European Tech Ecosystems:  London, Berlin, Paris. Pirate Summit ( was such a unique and exhilarating experience; and I had A LOT of fun and learned so much from all the international presenters and attendees.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Masons New Car Give A Court Opinion On Masons Case - 825 Words

Mason's New Car: Give A Court Opinion On Masons Case (Case Study Sample) Content: The Masons New Car CaseNameInstitution AffiliationThe Masons New Car CaseArbitration is an alternative means of settling a dispute by impartial persons selected by the two colliding parties or as per a contract without proceeding a court trial. As par contract, the arbitrator or arbitrators can be selected either directly by court order or by can be from the American Arbitration society. On the question of whether the court should hear or dismiss this case, I support, it is not under any obligation to hear this case, nor provide its ruling, thus it should dismiss the case and direct the parties to a binding arbitration ; as the retail buyers order states. It is clearly stated that the masons did sign the document, and only chardonnay is seen to not have signed the retail buyers order. Thus, this means they did agree to the terms of the retail buyers order. The option for the arbitration is mandatory, as it was agreed in the contract that no one was coerced or tric ked into, and thus the agreement was for binding arbitration whereby, the decision is binding amongst the feuding parties. And must be honored, including the award of damages (must be honored) and cannot be appealed to a court of law. This is a fair, cheaper and more economical process; thus a great way to settle such a minor dispute. Also, the option of a professional in the field of practice can be used to settle the dispute and thus could give a more professional and experienced ruling as compared to a magistrate court judge. Unless the masons can prove that there was fraud or unconscionability or something else that undermines the contract then the arbitration clause is not enforceable (Adrian 2010).In the response of whether there exists a contract between the Masons and MG. It is true that there was an existing contract between the two parties. The masons did put pen on paper and signed the contracts that Hector the salesman had presented to them. Claiming there was no contrac t because there were no essential elements of the contract is unacceptable, because, in accordance to the law, all the elements of a contract were there. Firstly,there was an offer which were the services that Hector promised the Masons so as to ensure the later, acquired the new vehicle, secondly, there was element of acceptance which was in the signing of the contracts that the Masons were given by Hector. Thirdly, there were the intentions to be legally bound the intention to enter into a legal binding is presumed, so the contract doesnt have to state expressly that you understand and understand legal consequences to follow. Another fundamental principle of a contract is the parties capacities to understand what they were doing and since none of them was mentally incapacitated, or below eighteen years or under the influence of drugs. It means they all had the capacity to get the contracts. There was also a genuine consent, and as no one was coerced into the contract through undue influence, there were no mistakes that showed the parties agreed to different things. In addition, there was also no misrepresentation that is giving the wrong information by one party to the other before the contract was made, no duress, which is actual or threatened violence to enter into contract. Furthermore, there was a clear evident principle of consideration in the form of the old van that the masons gave Hector to sell and his agreement to do the services agreed upon by the Masons. And since the two parties had agreed to no price on the price of the van then the sale of the van was credible. Thus, the sale was of no breach of contract. Lastly the contract was legal with no illegal commodities being exchanged thus an existing valid contract.A tort is a private or civil wrong or injury, including an action for bad faith, or breach of contract, for which the court will provide a remedy for damages (O'Connor 2013). A tort of conversion is the unlawful act whereby a person without authority does any act that interferes with the good title in the goods of the owner. This basically is whereby the plaintiff claims that the defendant exercised wrongful control over their personal property without the said persons consent. Notably, the elements of conversion include, damages, the plaintiffs right to possession ownership and the defendants conversion by wrongful acts (Adrian 2010).Taylor v. Forte hotels intnl 235 cal. App .3d 1119 shows that an individual may commit conversion by under certain conditions provided they do...

Friday, May 22, 2020

Using A Group Counseling Scale And Related Model For The...

Module 3 Qualitative The articles listed below are considered qualitative because they mainly focus on observation and this is how the data was collected for the articles. In a brief glimpse of each article it appears the authors are concern with understanding the behavior of the individuals that participated in the studies. The information given in each of these articles were very informative so to me that is one of the classification when looking at categorizing the research; therefore each of this articles would qualify as qualitative. Improving the Use of a Group Counseling Scale and Related Model To Teach Theory and Skills Integration: Zimmick, Smaby and Maddux (2000); study tested the Skilled Group Counseling Training Model (SGCTM). Results uncover that understudies in a gathering advising class who were prepared in the model utilized no less than 80% of the SGCTM abilities amid three reenacted bunch guiding sessions. Amid these sessions, the understudies stuck to one of three guiding speculatio ns (Person-Centered, Gestalt, and Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy). Internet Addiction: A Logotherapeutic Approach: Web habit (IA) is both the most quickly developing fixation and the minimum comprehended dependence (Watson, 2005). For advocates, treatment issues encompassing the illness are additionally developing. At the cutting edge is the absence of comprehension concerning treatment convention to deal with the testing recuperation and upkeep stages after IAShow MoreRelatedCollege Students And Financial Distress1022 Words   |  5 Pagesresearchers reported that when predicating financial anxiety, financial satisfaction was found to be the most significant predictor after analyzing the data collected from their survey. Their data was collected using a sample of 180 students who sought services at a university peer financial counseling center in a Midwestern state. In this summary, their research is review and critiqued. Keywords: financial anxiety, financial satisfaction, student debt â€Æ' College Students and Financial Distress: ExploringRead MoreLink Between Social Networking Sites And Depression Among Older Adolescents1696 Words   |  7 PagesFacebook and depression among older adolescents around the age of 18 and 20. For this proposal, I will look at four scholarly articles, proposal three research questions and have three hypothesis for my research questions based on how social networking sites like Facebook use correlates with a decrease in mood and increase in depression. Literature Review The first article is an article by Lauren A. Jelenchick, Jens C. Eickhoff, and Megan A. Moreno (2012). They evaluated the use of social media networkingRead MoreLink Between Social Networking Sites And Depression Among Older Adolescents1699 Words   |  7 PagesFacebook and depression among older adolescents around the age of 18 and 20. For this proposal, I will look at four scholarly articles, proposal three research questions and have three hypotheses for my research questions based on how social networking sites like Facebook use correlates with a decrease in mood and increase in depression. Literature Review The first article is an article by Lauren A. Jelenchick, Jens C. Eickhoff, and Megan A. Moreno (2012). They evaluated the use of social media networkingRead MoreAn Interview With A Social Work Practitioner1243 Words   |  5 Pagesextensive education and experience with youth under 18. Dr. Anthony is currently an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University. She teaches courses, conducts research, and acts as an advisor. She has a Masters in Counseling Psychology and a Masters of Social Work as well as a PhD in Social Work. Dr. Anthony has several trainings that are applicable to the treatment of elementary-aged children with depressive disorders. She received a clinical training from the BeckRead MoreJob Positions And Job Satisfaction Level3148 Words   |  13 Pagesthe working environment. The article â€Å"Relationship between job stress, occupational position and Job satisfaction using a brief job stress questionnaire (BJSQ)† that I have chosen for the research paper talks about the relationship between occupational position and stress related factors, and also explored the factors relating to job satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between job stress, occupational position, and job satisfaction using a brief job stress questionnaireRead MoreEssay On Ptsd1624 Words   |  7 PagesChange in Veterans with Military-Related PTSD. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19(4), 496-502. doi:10.1007/s12529-011-9186-1 In the article (Bormann, Liu, Thorp, Lang, 2011) the authors look at if spiritual well-being changes the effects of military veterans with self-reported PTSD. The authors make note that since the war on terror began an estimated â€Å"300,000 veterans have suffered from some symptoms of PTSD. The veterans in this study were recruited using mass media 97% of these veteransRead MoreInternationalization Of K 12 Education : The Role Of School Counselors1780 Words   |  8 Pagesanother language at home. Students designated as English Language Learners account for an estimated 4.4 million students or 9% of all students in the United States (NCES, 2014). The purpose of this article is both to broadly examine the role of internationalized education in K-12 schools and within the counseling profession, and to specifically provide a rationale and framework for how the unique qualities and functions of school counselors align with an ability and responsibility to emphasize and implementRead MoreSolution-Focused Therapy for Families2018 Words   |  8 PagesApproach for Counseling Families Name Institution Instructors Name Course Date Solution-Focused Therapy for Families Solution-focused therapy is identified as an effective way of working with individuals and families, since it allows counselors to assist clients find solutions to their problems. The therapy is a type of brief counseling, which focuses on economy and efficacy. This type of therapy is referred to brief counseling for it is conceptually planned and time-focused counseling that purposefullyRead MoreEthical Issues in Education Essay example1736 Words   |  7 Pagespsychologist can identify ethical issues, interrelate with others professionally. This can inhibit and solve ethical dilemmas, and he /she will be able achieve their professional protagonists and responsibilities. Maureen H. Miner recommends in his article that any training in ethics will be judged by the quality of ethical choices made by those who complete it. If psychologists are to be recognized as professionals who are committed to best practice, then we should take ethical training very seriouslyRead MorePretend Play, Creativity, and Emotion Regulation In Children1773 Words   |  8 Pages Critique of Journal Articles Pretend Play, Creativity, and Emotion Regulation In Children Hoffmann and Russ (2012) examined the relationships between pretend play, creativity, emotion regulation, and executive functioning. The researchers suggested that during pretend play, the children exhibited cognitive, affective, and interpersonal processes. Studies have shown that pretend play is associated to being creative, in that, children who are more imaginative and affective during pretend

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Americaa Role in Iraq Essay - 3387 Words

Americaa Role in Iraq As Afghan opposition groups and U.S. armed forces continue their successes in the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda, the American debate has quickly turned to the question of where the fight against terrorism should go next. In numerous public statements, President Bush has talked about a wide-ranging campaign against global terrorism. He has not committed to military operations against any other countries or terrorist organizations, but he has made it clear that the broader struggle against terrorism will be a long-lasting effort that could include the use of military force in regions beyond Afghanistan. A strong case can be made that Iraqs leader, Saddam Hussein, is so threatening to his people, his†¦show more content†¦policy, it was interpreted by many as a conscious effort to remind the world of the dangers posed by Saddam and to begin to create a legal and political predicate to justify an eventual American attack against him. Many overthrow advocates argue that the United States should remove Saddam regardless of whether Iraq was involved in the September 11 terrorist attacks or not. Absent compelling evidence of significant Iraqi involvement with the al Qaeda network or the events of September 11, the likely costs and risks of a commitment of American military forces to a regime-change campaign in Iraq would outweigh the benefits. A U.S. overthrow campaign would entail a large-scale military operation that the United States would probably have to undertake essentially alone; the increased risk of triggering terrorist attacks against American or allied targets; significant American casualties given the potential for intense urban combat and Iraqi use of chemical and biological agents; and the likely need for a long-term American military presence in Iraq to avoid regional destabilization. While these costs and risks are not so high as to rule out a possible overthrow policy under certain circumstances, they should be sobering to any advocate of sending U.S. troops to war to change the Iraqi regime. The central assumption behind this argument is that Saddam unlike the religiously motivated Taliban/al Qaeda network—is more interested in

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Analysis Of Warhol s First Solo New York Exhibit At...

â€Å"An artist is someone who produces things that people don’t need to have.† This was one of the many famous quotes uttered by the eccentric yet revolutionary artist, Andy Warhol. At first one might think this quote would be the word of an advertising agent and indeed it is. This very idea, however, is what created the commercialized idea of Pop Art in the 1960s. Andy Warhol’s background as a commercial illustrator provided him with the ability to pioneer a new artistic movement. Warhol highlights the American shift towards consumerism through his work by using the techniques used by marketing plans, such as mass production and rhetoric. Warhol’s first solo New York exhibit at Eleanor Ward’s Stable Gallery established the spark of commercialism and pop culture that is heavily embedded in our society today. Warhol used his knowledge of advertisements; his artistic talents and his impeccable timing to single-handedly illuminate the societal ideals of products and celebrities alike in his artwork. Art movements work in cyclic patterns. Each new form works as a cause of the previous movement or event. Abstract Expressionism—the movement before Pop Art—reflected the idea that expression could not be found in traditional forms. They focused their art on being subjective, expressing psyche and emotion (Swisher). This development is what sparked the artistic movement, Pop Art, in the 1960s. Pop Art challenged this assertion and then-dominant ideals of expressionism. It used

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 752 Words

Throughout the history of humanity, humans have different behaviors that change depending on what situations they are in. Psychologist Philip Zimbardo spent many years exploring human nature and has developed many theories about human behavior. One of Zimbardo’s ideas is about situational factors that states â€Å"one’s behavior is assumed to be dependent upon their current circumstances, situation or the environment that they are in.† He concluded the concept of situational factors after his Stanford Prison Experiment, in which he gave authority to regular people and observed any changes. The experiment proved that people’s behavior will change when they are in different situations. Zimbardo also believes that evilness is the exercise of power to harm people in anyway possible, so a five year old who teases others to Adolf Hitler would be classified as perpetrators of evil. Lord of the Flies is a fictional story about a group of British boys who get stranded on island. The author of the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding, showcases Zimbardo’s ideas in his story. Zimbardo did not form his theory Through the character development of Jack and Roger, Golding illustrates the intensity of evil when one is impacted by situational forces. Before Ralph and Piggy unifies all of the boys on the island, Jack already ceases control on the choirboys. While Jack and Ralph are trying to address their problem, Jack screams at the choir boys to get them to do what he wants. After theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1263 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper: Lord of the Flies William Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, symbolically, how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1282 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, this can be seen how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of the novel can be seen as the motherRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1869 Words   |  8 PagesEssay Outline – Unit 11 Introductory paragraph: Topic Sentence (includes the book title and author) The novel Lord of the flies by William Golding is a type of literature that revolves around an anti-war theme. Main Points that will be discussed in the essay presented in order of weakest to strongest: 1. Lord of the flies was written during WWII and one of the manifestations is the dead man in the parachute presumably a victim of a bombed plane. 2. Faction among the group which is similar toRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1389 Words   |  6 PagesA response to Lord Of The Flies Imagine an airplane crash. The heat of flames scorch passengers’ backs in addition to the wind burning their faces. Lucky, this crash was over water and near an island so most passengers survive, with an exception of the airplane staff and the pilot. Even though alive, many are in fits of fear and panic, and others are in shock. After hurried deliberation, a lone member of the group is elected leader in hopes that they will calm the panic, and make the hard, but necessaryRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1315 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies was set somewhere on the timeline of World War Two, a war between the Axis and the Allies lasting from 1939 until 1945. Although WWII was fought between many countries in the Pacific and Europe, the main contender was Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler and his followers, the Nazis, changed the lives of everyone when they attempted to strengthen Germany and brought out all the evil and ugli ness in the world. After WWII, nothing would be able to change theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies886 Words   |  4 Pageshow to live their lives not knowing what s right or wrong. Everyone has a different opinion towards different things. Some say gun laws should be banned while some say they want a gun in their house. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding there are clear aspects of leadership shown within the characterization between Jack and Ralph. I m chief, said Ralph, because you chose me. And we were going to keep the fire going. Now you run after food- (Golding 150). There is evident conflict between theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1672 Words   |  7 Pages The Different Social Cognition of the Similar Stories — Synthesis essay of Lord of the Flies Final Project With the development of British culture, the format of Desert Island Literature has an inevitable connection with the geographical and culture heritage of the development of British history. Generally speaking, the setting of such literature is basically around an isolated island which is far from human society. The characters usually follow a primary lifestyle so that illustrate the courageRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words   |  7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experienceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1776 Words   |  8 PagesMaybe the beast is us (Golding 85), in the novel, Lord of the Flies, by author William Golding, Golding uses the entire book as social commentary. The social aspect he focuses on is man’s ability to be evil and destructive. William Golding uses three specific literary devices to convey this idea; characterization, diction and symbolism. Lord of the Flies explains man s capacity for evil which is revealed in his inherent human nature, which he cannot control or ignore. The hidden evil withinRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1444 Words   |  6 PagesInterviewer Let’s talk about William Golding and his most famous book, Lord of the Flies, in which a group of British schoolboys - aged from around 6-12 - become stranded on an island, and quickly begin their descent into chaos. Today, I am joined by literarian and William Golding expert, Lara Caglar. Expert Hi, Vanessa, it’s a pleasure to be here Interviewer Together, we will be discussing the question on everyone’s minds, what happened to Golding that led him to have such an incredibly negative

Week 7 Free Essays

* Use a spreadsheet to develop a point-scoring matrix and determine which system Mark should select. Software| Â  | Â  | Weighted Score| weighted score| weighted score| Fulfillment of business needs| 100| Â  | 600| 800| 900| Acceptance in marketplace| 30| Â  | 180| 180| 180| Quality of documentation| 50| Â  | 350| 450| 400| Quality of warranty| 50| Â  | 200| 400| 350| Ease of use| 80| Â  | 560| 480| 400| Control features| 50| Â  | 450| 350| 450| Flexibility| 20| Â  | 80| 100| 180| Security features| 30| Â  | 120| 120| 240| Modularity| 30| Â  | 240| 150| 120| Integration with other software| 30| Â  | 240| 270| 180| Quality of support utilities| 50| Â  | 450| 400| 250| Vendor| Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Reputation and reliability| 10| Â  | 30| 90| 60| Experience with similar systems| 20| Â  | 100| 100| 120| Installation assistance| 70| Â  | 630| 280| 430| Training assistance| 35| Â  | 140| 280| 210| Timeliness of maintenance| 35| Â  | 175| 140| 140| Hardware| Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Internal memory size (RAM)| 70| Â  | 350| 420| 560| Hard-drive capacity| 40| Â  | 360| 360| 200| Graphics capabilities| 50| Â  | 350| 350| 400| Processing speed| 30| Â  | 240| 240| 150| Overall performance| 40| Â  | 360| 400| 400| Expandability| 50| Â  | 350| 100| 500| Support for network technology| 30| Â  | 90| 120| 210| Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | Â  | | Â  | Â  | 6645| 6580| 7030| * b. Susan Shelton did not agree with Mark’s weightings and suggested the following When the changes are made, which vendor should Mark recommend? Mark should recommend VENDOR 3 * c. We will write a custom essay sample on Week 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mark’s manager suggested the following changes to Susan’s weightings: Reputation and reliability| 90| Installation assistance| 40| Experience with similar systems| 40| Training assistance| 65| Internal memory size| 10| Will the manager’s changes affect the decision about which system to buy? Yes the sum total of all the changes will directly affect the outcome of which system they will purchase. * d. what can you conclude about point scoring from the changes made by Susan and Mark’s manager? Develop your own weighting scale to evaluate the software packages. What other selection criteria would you use? Be prepared to discuss your results with the class. I take the weighted sum of all the packages and compare them based on the scoring system and average them out to see who’s strong and weak. Based on my approval I would pick the one that is nearest middle of the road compared to the other 2. This way all attributes are about equal rather than struggling with one issue and excelling at another. This would be my way of defining an accurate and realistic scoring system. * e. What are the weaknesses of the point-scoring method? Point scoring method doesn’t mean it’s the right scoring method. Its only good for what you are prioritizing in your goals and what you are looking for. Based on your needs and wants the scoring system may not be what you are looking for if you are going for the efficient way of grading rubrics. How to cite Week 7, Papers

Research Project for A Guide For First-Time Researchers

Question: Discuss about a Article for Doing Your Research Project for A Guide For First-Time Researchers? Answer: Determination of the type of business, its vision and mission For starting a business, many factors need to be considered. Proper planning must be made in advance, the objectives, vision, the mission of the business needs to be set up, and then the actions should be followed accordingly (Heagney, 2012). If the plan of action is not made beforehand, then it is not at all possible to start and continue business (Bell, 2014). The things that need to be taken care of are- legal structure, the products and the services that are offered, the location of the business, the management team, the workforce, the methods of book keeping, insurance, security, the market that is targeted and the way in which the competition needs to be handled, the methods of distribution, advertising, pricing methods, and policies, designing the product, the time of entering into the market, location of the business, the trends of the industry, the means of procurement of the estimated capital, etc. The business, which would be set up would be of a tanning salon. The name of the company is BAKED POTATO TANNING SALON. The vision and the mission of the business must be very clear, it must be related to the purposes of the organization, and they are communicated in written (Oakland, 2014). They are statements regarding the company, which would be answering the questions as the identity of the company, what does the company value and the direction where it is going. The vision for BAKED POTATO TANNING SALON provide the consumers with a very good quality of tanning beds, wide variety of lotions for tanning, and also other accessories for the purposes of tanning. One of the priorities of the organization is to make sure that the customers are given excellent customer service, which would help the organization in getting a stronger hold in the market where strong competition is present. There should be certain facilities that are to be offered to the customers that are not offered by the other competitors in the market and this would help in attracting new customers to the business and would help in ret aining the existing customers. The motto of the organization would be to offer quality services to the customers and providing them with great customer service. This is because a business would become successful if the customers are satisfied completely. Creation of the structure and form of management applied to the business Organizing is an activity of the management, which involves the development of an organizational structure and the allocation of human resources for ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the business (Scott, Davis, 2015). It is inclusive of factors like the designing of the organization, staffing and the culture of the organization. Regarding the process of organizing, the compliance of the missions and the visions of the organization must be considered. Organization design is a process by which people, technology, and information are integrated. It is applied for matching the type of the company closely to the objectives that the organization wants to attain. With the help of this, the organizations work to enhance the chances that the collaborative efforts of the members are going to be successful. The structure of the company must be reflecting and supporting the strategy and in that context, the organizational design provides guidelines with the help of which the employe es would be choosing proper actions, proper in accordance with the strategy. The strategy consolidates the intentions of the organization and focuses the members of activities that are designed for accomplishing the desired results. Connection with people in purposeful and productive ways. The human resources need to be connected with the required technology and information for being successful. The structure of the organization must be so that it would define the official relationship among the people and specify their roles and responsibilities. The administrative systems must be governing the company by using its guidelines, policies and practices. The information and the technologies describe the processes by which the members attain the outcomes. Each of the elements must support each other and collectively it must be supporting the purpose of the organization as it was previously planned. Managers must be hired who must be given the responsibility of handling the team members by providing them a specific plan to achieve the objectives of the organization. He must properly handle all the issues that would crop up, and he must be leading the team or the workforce towards better productivity and efficiency. The managers should be focused on leading the organization by following a noble mission, which would help in enabling the management team and the employees in achieving the strategic breakthrough and in realizing their individual and personal objectives. The leaders must shoulder the responsibilities of the business singlehandedly and lead the workforce in such a manner that Evaluation of the roles that the structure, management and the leadership foundation so created will play in the performance of the organization On being a leader, there are certain duties that need to be performed and they are discussed below: Development of the vision and mission strategically The leader must create a strategic vision for the organization in such a way that would involve the thought process and the energy of the employees (Fullan, 2014). The objectives so designed must be clear, specific and easily understood by the employees. The leader should be able to differentiate between vision as to where the organization is headed and the mission that defines the reason of existence of the organization (Whyte, 2013). Fixing objectives The leader must set the objectives and the goals of the organization in such a way that it is measurable since if it is not measurable, it is of no use (Parmenter, 2015). The measurable objectives should be made effective by providing additional incentives for attainment. This would act as a motivating factor for the employees in making them deliver their best and in boosting up their morale. Crafting a strategy It is the job of a leader to describe the strategic position of an organization (Grant, 2015). Instead of venturing into every portion in which revenues might be earned, the leader must concentrate on strengthening the strategic position and communicate the strategy to the customers externally who give value to it and internally too. Execution of the strategy so made The leader must execute the strategy so formed and also implement it (Jeston, Nelis, 2014). When the plan of action would involve difficult tasks, it would be the duty of the leader to build a company and then execute the strategy. Evaluation of performance The leader must evaluate the performances of the workforce at regular intervals and provide feedback to them for improvements (Bernardin, Wiatrowski, 2013). The employees must be appreciated by the leaders in they perform well, and they should be awarded incentives. In the process, all the employees would strive to perform their best and ultimately the organizational goals and objectives would be attained in the process. Reference List Bell, J. (2014).Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Bernardin, H. J., Wiatrowski, M. (2013). Performance appraisal.Psychology and Policing,257. Fullan, M. (2014).Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley Sons. Grant, R. M. (2015).Contemporary Strategy Analysis 9e Text Only. John Wiley Sons. Heagney, J. (2012).Fundamentals of project management. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Jeston, J., Nelis, J. (2014).Business process management. Routledge. Oakland, J. S. (2014).Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases. Routledge. Parmenter, D. (2015).Key performance indicators: developing, implementing, and using winning KPIs. John Wiley Sons. Scott, W. R., Davis, G. F. (2015).Organizations and organizing: Rational, natural and open systems perspectives. Routledge. Whyte, W. H. (2013).The organization man. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Opera Music free essay sample

Opera gained popularity ring the Baroque period as composers began experimenting with complex musical ornamentation for the voice. Themes explored In operas written during this period include poetry, religious stories and mythology. Many of the flirts operas composed early in the Baroque period survive only in fragments or have been lost altogether. However, Claudio Monteverdi Oleomargarine did Poppa, which received its premiere in 1643, continues to be performed. One composer active during the latter part of the era was George Frederic Handel, perhaps most widely recognized today for is oratorios, such as Messiah.Examples of his operatic works Include Sere and Gluon Cesar. The late Baroque opera emphasized virtuosity In vocal singing. The brief ad capo aria soon superseded the strophic variation and was established as a vocal form. At least equally important was the bipartite aria, which consisted of only A and B or their variations. In contrast with the late Baroque opera and its rigid alternation of recitative and aria, the middle Baroque opera retained great formal flexibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Opera Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the progress of opera from Its primitive forms, the words started to SSE their Importance and the music was dominating over words again, Classical Operas expansion and evolution owes a great deal of gratitude to the Baroque era of the early eighteenth century, but where Baroque opera was mainly designed and created for aristocracy or royal audiences, Classical opera branched out as a form of musical entertainment for the general public using the opera house as a center of experimentation. The population of the middle class would eventually become the mainstream participant engaging in opera entertainment as a response to aristocratic forms of opera. With the Classical Era came both the decay and subsequent reformation of the Italian opera serial, or serious opera. Its once dramatic and emotional presentation had evolved into a showy and artificial art form. Although many musicians of the time realized the tragic decline of the opera serial, change took place slowly.To try and restore the opera serial to its former greatness, composers made certain changes in their writing styles. While not everyone agreed upon or employed these changes, many of them can be found in some of the operas of the late 18th century. During the same time, the comedic opera began developing. This type of opera was in sharp contrast to the opera serial. It catered more to the people who wanted to revolt against the more serious and dramatic opera.Opera Music ay Ally-Allegro ere foundations of opera are often traced to the late Renaissance era, to a group intellectuals gathered in Florence under the patronage of Count Giovanni Bard to ornamentation for the voice. Themes explored in operas written during this period include poetry, religious stories and mythology. Many of the first operas composed However, Claudio Monteverdi L Incorporation did Poppa, which received its is oratorios, such as Messiah. Examples of his operatic works include Sere and Gigolo Cesar.The late Baroque opera emphasized virtuosity in vocal singing. The local form. At least equally important was the bipartite aria, which consisted of only flexibility. During the progress of opera from its primitive forms, the words started to lose their importance and the music was dominating over words again. Classical subsequent reformation of the Italian opera serial, or serious opera. Its once dramatic No wanted to revolt against the more serious and dramatic opera.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Why Are You Applying To This College Sample Essay?

Why Are You Applying To This College Sample Essay?There are several reasons that you are applying to this college sample essay. It is simply a form of advertisement to let the college know that you have their attention. You can even use it to create some type of resume of your accomplishments. I will discuss more about why you should write a college sample essay.A college sample essay is to get into a college or university, so it is important that you have an interest in the school. By having an interest you will be more likely to put more of yourself out there in writing a college letter of application. You will also be more likely to understand what they expect of you as well. The higher the ranking you have the more likely it is that they will be looking at your resume.The college essay is not something that you will write to impress someone. The purpose of this is to impress them with your work ethic. If you do not put in the effort then it will go unnoticed. You will have to pra ctice and write with a lot of emotion, and this is important to people to see. They do not want someone who can not write.A college letter of application should include your English degree. Make sure you give some detail on what you have accomplished in the past. This will show a lot of credibility for you as the essay.There are several reasons why you are applying to this college sample essay. One is to make sure that you are prepared to meet the expectations of the school. As you can see by the letter of application, they are interested in someone who can write. You will be asked to explain a lot of information and you need to be able to.A college sample essay is used to find out why someone is applying to this college. You can even use it to create a resume of your accomplishments. This is one way to show them that you are serious about what you are doing.You can get a college letter of application by filling out an online form at your local college. In it you will fill out the i nformation. Then you will get a letter back from the college. You will have to pay for this to be sent. Make sure you do it in a timely manner so you do not waste time and money.A college sample essay is used to find out why someone is applying to this college. You can also use it to create a resume of your accomplishments. This is one way to show them that you are serious about what you are doing.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Many Forms of the Verb TO BE

The Many Forms of the Verb TO BE The Many Forms of the Verb TO BE The Many Forms of the Verb TO BE By Maeve Maddox After reading O Second Person Where Art Thou reader Bill G asks: How can I explain to my students why the singular â€Å"you† takes the plural verb â€Å"are?† Is there something obvious I am missing? Even â€Å"thou† took â€Å"art.† What is the history of this shift? The answer to the first part of this question is that are is the form of the verb that goes with you. If you can be either singular or plural, so can are: You are the one person I love. (singular) You are the best friends in the world. (plural) The only other word for are that ever went with you was sind (or sindon). Clearly, that one hasnt survived into Modern English. Of all Modern English verbs, to be has the most forms: am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been. In addition, the helping verb will is used to form a future tense with be (e.g. I will be with you in a minute.) The forms are so different in appearance that they dont seem to belong to the same verb. The fact is, they dont. Oh, they do now, but they came from three different roots and merged in the Old English verbs beon and wesan. (NOTE: Since I dont know how to import the special OE symbols, Ill use th for the /th/ sound and y for the yot.) In a conjugation of the Old English (West Saxon dialect) verb beon/wesan, todays English speaker will recognize the modern forms in: ic eom =I am thu eart =thou art ic waes =I was ye waere =you were You are, however, was written in West Saxon as ye sind. Although ye earun or ye aron did exist in a northern dialect of Old English, sind is the word for are in most of the Old English literature that survives. But for a fluke of history, we could just as easily be saying you sind as you are. An interesting footnote is that English once had three grammatical numbers and not just two. Modern English has two numbers: singular and plural. Old English had three: singular, dual, and plural. Each number had its own set of pronouns: First person: ic=I wit =two-person we we =more-than-two-persons we Second person: thu = thou yit =you two ye =yall Third person: he =he hit =it heo =she hie =they (For a complete explanation, see the relevant sections in Sweets Anglo-Saxon Primer or Wardales An Old English Grammar.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?3 Cases of Complicated HyphenationThe Uses of â€Å"The†

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to Make a Phosphate Buffer Solution

How to Make a Phosphate Buffer Solution The goal of a buffer solution is to help maintain a stable pH when a small amount of acid or base is introduced into a solution. A phosphate buffer solution is a handy buffer to have around, especially for biological applications. Because phosphoric acid has multiple dissociation constants, you can prepare phosphate buffers near any of the three pHs, which are at 2.15, 6.86, and 12.32. The buffer is most commonly prepared at pH 7 using monosodium phosphate and its conjugate base, disodium phosphate. Phosphate Buffer Materials Monosodium phosphateDisodium phosphateWaterPhosphoric acid to make the pH more acidic or sodium hydroxide to make the pH more alkalinepH meterGlasswareHot plate with stirring bar Prepare the Phosphate Buffer Decide on the concentration of the buffer. Most buffers are used at a concentration between 0.1 M and 10 M. If you make up a concentrated buffer solution, you can dilute it as needed.​Decide on the pH for your buffer. This pH should be within one pH unit from the pKa of the acid/conjugate base. So, you can prepare a buffer at pH 2 or pH 7, for example, but pH 9 would be pushing it.Use the Henderson-Hasselbach equation to calculate how much acid and base you need. You can simplify the calculation if you make 1 liter of buffer. Select the pKa value that is closest to the pH of your buffer. For example, if you want the pH of your buffer to be 7, then use the pKa of 6.9: pH pKa log ([Base]/[Acid])ratio of [Base]/[Acid] 1.096The molarity of the buffer is the sum of the molarities of the acid and conjugate base or the sum of [Acid] [Base]. For a 1 M buffer (selected to make the calculation easy), [Acid] [Base] 1.[Base] 1 - [Acid].Substitute this into the ratio and solve:[Base ] 0.523 moles/L.Now solve for [Acid]: [Base] 1 - [Acid], so [Acid] 0.477 moles/L. Prepare the solution by mixing 0.477 moles of monosodium phosphate and 0.523 moles of disodium phosphate in a little less than a liter of water.Check the pH using a pH meter and adjust the pH as necessary using phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide.Once you have reached the desired pH, add water to bring the total volume of phosphoric acid buffer to 1 L.If you prepared this buffer as a stock solution, you can dilute it to make up buffers at other concentrations, such as 0.5 M or 0.1 M. Advantages and Disadvantages of Phosphate Buffers The two key advantages of phosphate buffers are that phosphate is highly soluble in water and that it has an extremely high buffering capacity. However, these may be offset by certain disadvantages in some situations. Phosphates inhibit enzymatic reactions.Phosphate precipitates in ethanol, so it cant be used in preparations to precipitate DNA or RNA.Phosphates sequester divalent cations (e.g., Ca2 and Mg2).

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Impacts of Fast Foods on Obesity and Weight of College Students Assignment

The Impacts of Fast Foods on Obesity and Weight of College Students - Assignment Example These types of foods have been strongly criticized particularly due to issues of health. Many studies have, in fact, attributed the high level of overweight and obesity to these foods. This paper intends to look into the impact of fast foods on obesity and overweight because these are health concerns that have originated very many diseases nowadays. Obesity is a medical condition whereby the body of an individual contains very high level of body fats to a level of occasioning adverse health impacts. When the body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30 kg/m2, a person is said to be suffering from obesity. Such a person is highly susceptible to diseases such as type II diabetes, heart diseases, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancers, among many others (Haslam and James, 2005). The fast spread of fast foods in restaurants has generated a lot of debate especially regarding the impact of such foods on the health of people. In fact, many nutritionists and health professionals have cautioned their clients against overconsumption of such foods as they claim their health risk can be massive (Abdollah, 2007; Mcbride, 2008; Mair et al. 2005). However, it is notable that the evidence that links fast food to obesity and gain in weight is not very convincing. Most of those who claim that it fast foods is responsible for obesity have conducted their research on very small samples hence narrowing the validity of their generalization. A recent study by Rosenheck (2008), on the relationship between fast foods and obesity, it was found that the results from observational studies have not been able to establish a link between obesity and fast foods. A couple of recent studies have paid attention to fast foods restaurant as possible contribute avenues of gaining weight (Philipson and Posner, 2008). Anderson and Matsa (2009) concentrate on the connection between obesity and feeding habits, whereby the related the presence of many restaurants around the highway in a  rural area and the eating habits. However, they found no credible link between obesity and restaurants.  Ã‚  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Astronomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Astronomy - Essay Example b. what is the significance or importance of patterns or cycles in nature to the development of science? Patterns or cycles help science by predicting behavior of seasons, planet movement, and other aspects of our environment. The prediction of these seasons were vital to the survival of ancient people, and still help farmers today. Without these predictions humans would have no food. Astronomy helped ancient civilizations predict the seasons, create temples, invent astronomy and even create gods out of the sky. The practical uses were the making of a calendar to predict seasons. This helped with harvesting food, plan for harsh climates, and gave ancient civilizations a way to document time. 5. describe the apparent motions of the planets in the sky. The planets seem to have the apparent motions of back and forth depending on their orbit and the earth’s position. This proves that all the planets have their own orbits around the sun. 7. how did kepler first try to relate the spacing of the orbits of the planets? Why did kepler find this approach philosophically satisfying? Kepler felt that the spacing of the planet orbits was spiritual. The universe was built in God’s image. The sun was God the Father, the Earth the Son, and everything in between the Holy Spirit. Kepler felt science and religion could compliment each other. On February 4, 1600, Kepler met Tycho Brahe at Benà ¡tky nad Jizerou in Poland. This is where Tychos new observatory was being constructed. This observatory was for Tycho’s studies on Mars. Kepler’s political and religious troubles in Poland plagued the mutual work of Kepler and Tycho. "Since the divine benevolence has vouchsafed us Tycho Brahe, a most diligent observer, from whose observations the 8 error in this Ptolemaic computation is shown, it is fitting that we with thankful mind both acknowledge and honor this benefit of God... For if I had thought I could ignore

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Analysis in narration of the The Tell-Tale Heart :: essays research papers

Analysis in narration of the The Tell-Tale Heart In this paper, it talks about what type of narration of the story  ¡Ã‚ ¥Tell-Tale Heart ¡Ã‚ ¦ used, and will explain why this type of narration is effective. Obviously,  ¡Ã‚ ¥Tell-Tale Heart ¡Ã‚ ¦ is a first person narration story. From the wording and the way of presenting, it is clear to see there is one major character and some other minor characters; there are some reasons of why the narration is effective in telling the story. It is very easy to make reader to get involve in the story and easy to picture the actions. The whole story draws reader interested in what happened next of the story. It attracts reader ¡Ã‚ ¦s attention, understand the mental state of the narrator directly. Author gives confusion to reader between narrator ¡Ã‚ ¦s action and his speech in order to illustrate a piece of myth to the story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ §Tell-Tale Heart ¡Ã‚ ¨ is a first person narration.  ¡Ã‚ §I ¡Ã‚ ¨,  ¡Ã‚ §my ¡Ã‚ ¨,  ¡Ã‚ §me ¡Ã‚ ¨ or  ¡Ã‚ §myself ¡Ã‚ ¨ appear many times in the story.  ¡Ã‚ §I was never finder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him ¡Ã‚ ¨(36),  ¡Ã‚ §He had never wronged me ¡Ã‚ ¨(36),  ¡Ã‚ §Ã‚ ¡Kwhen my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening ¡K ¡Ã‚ ¨(37),  ¡Ã‚ §Ã‚ ¡KI felt myself getting pale ¡K ¡Ã‚ ¨(38). It shows that the narrator refers to himself as  ¡Ã‚ §I ¡Ã‚ ¨ through the story. The way of presenting in the story helps reader to know it is a first person narration. At the beginning of the story, reader knows the mad man is going to tell his own story.  ¡Ã‚ §Ã‚ ¡Kbut why will you say that I am mad ¡KHow, then am I mad? Hearken! And observe how healthily  ¡V how calmly I can tell you the whole story ¡Ã‚ ¨(36). The narrator is going to tell us a story. He wants to explain he is not a mad man. Therefor e, he tells reader his own story and if he telling his own story, then it must be a first person. From above all, it proves that  ¡Ã‚ §Tell-Tale Heart ¡Ã‚ ¨ is a first person narration story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is effective by using first person narration in  ¡Ã‚ §Tell-Tale Heart ¡Ã‚ ¨. Readers can throw themselves into the main character and to follow the actions described in the story. Since the first person participants appear in every sentence, thus it makes reader to get involve in the story easily. For example,  ¡Ã‚ §Ã‚ ¡KI turn the latch of his door and open it ¡K ¡Ã‚ ¨(36),  ¡Ã‚ §Ã‚ ¡KI move it slowly-very, very slowly ¡K ¡Ã‚ ¨(36),  ¡Ã‚ §I dragged him to the floor, and pulled the heavy bed over him.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Analysis of the Sam Shepard’s Play Buried Child Essay

In my paper I am going to analyze one of the Sam Shepards play. Its name sounds depressive but it completely fulfils the main idea of the play – Buried Child. From the information I read about the author I deduced that he wrote it on the basis of his own personal experience in his childhood. Sam Shepard grew up on the farm in California and was a member of a broken family because his father was an alcoholic. The play was firstly produced in the year 1978. From this and from the story itself implies my presumption that the whole story is set in the 1970’s when the USA was in a hard economic situation caused by the war in Vietnam. To be more concrete it is set in Illinois on the farm where nothing grow anymore. I think that only through the description of the characters you would be able to see the main points of why I titled my work American Nightmare. Dodge is supposed to be the head of the family but he is broken by things that happened in the past. He is an old dying man and he is paranoiac but he has a reason to be. He is considered poor man whom doesn’t like even his family. He failed in building his American Dream because his family is no more working and the farm he built up many years ago is left without any interest. He left everything after the biggest secret of the family happened. He killed his wife’s son but not without reason, as his son Tilden in the play says, â€Å"He said he had his reasons . . . He’s the only one who knows where it’s buried.† (Shepard 104) The reasons I found out in the text were that she, Halie, had the baby with another man. There are some hints which led me to think that the man might have been Tilden, her own son. Then it would have been much worse because the act of incest is totally against the modern society. We don’t know the background, how everything happened, if Halie was raped by her son or he was seduced by his mother. Nevertheless killing the baby was no solution because the family fell apart anyway. Halie, the only women in the family, is the one who tries to have a normal life but it is full of hypocrisy and fear of that other will find out the family secret. Interesting is that even though Dodge killed her son she lives and communicates with him like nothing happened. Even though it is obvious that she is having an affair with a Protestant minister Father Dewis. This is also an irony because he should be a symbol of temperate life. Instead of that he drinks alcohol and seduces women. In the play I feel that the fear  of not being relieved have everyone in the family. They made a deal that they won’t talk about the past and they are hoping that they will simply forget. Halie’s only light in the life was her son Ansel who was murdered in a motel room after m arrying a Catolic Italian girl. Halie hated that girl from the beginning and she argued that she was a â€Å"Devil incarnate† (Shepard 74). Ansel had no time to go bad so he looks like an ideal son in Halies eyes. She is so obsessed with him that she wants to unveil his statue. She remembers him as a son who played basketball and was a soldier, a hero, an All-American. In her monologues then we can find the importance of doing some sport in youth and being a Protestant. The character of Tilden is very interesting and mysterious for me. He is the oldest son and he was supposed to take care of the family, the parents, which is matter of fact in the American Dream (children should take care of their parents). Nevertheless he got into trouble somewhere in New Mexico, maybe he was kept in prison, because he returned back to his parents’ house after 20 years completely broken, especially mentally. His liberty had to be taken away from him because in one of his monologues about driving he described how it was like to have a car, which is also one of the symbols of American independence: I drove all day long sometimes. Across the desert . . . I drove past towns. Anywhere. Past palm trees. Lightning. Anything I would drive through it. I would drive through it and I would stop and I would look around and I would drive on . . . There was nothing I loved more. Nothing I dreamed of was better than driving. (Shepard 102) Freedom is defined in American Ways as â€Å"the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government† (Datesman, Crandall, Kearny 33) and exactly this was in Tilden’s life broken. He was in prison and he is under the control of his parents now. Also his brother Bradley is not independent due to the accident where he lost his leg. With the character of Bradley I connected one question: Why he could live and the other baby not? Because from the story it is obvious that Bradley also isn’t Dodges son. The only solution I have is that the murdered baby really had to be a birth from incest. The only light in the story, at least at the beginning, is Shelly. She came to visit his boyfriends grandparents house and she had the typical American,  that means ideal, image of how it would be like: â€Å"I thought it was going to be turkey dinners and apple pie and all that kinda stuff.† (Shepard 91) Obviously she was confused from all these people in the house and she was the one who forced them to talk about things. Nevertheless it was to much for her and she left the house and her boyfriend Vince. To be honest there were some symbols in the play I didn’t understand. For example the act of symbolic Dodges burying on the end of the two acts. The only thing that came up my mind was that his sons blame him from everything and they think that killing the baby was the main reason why the family fall apart. In my opinion that’s not true because each member of that family has his own guilt. Another mystery for me is the character of Vince, Tilden’s son. I didn’t get the message of his character especially at the end of the play where, after Dodge is dead, he puts on Dodges cap and lay down on the couch, totally out of his mind. Maybe he was so shocked and ashamed of the family secret that he just adopted to the fact and started to live the same life as his grandfather lived. The play perfectly describes the opposite of the American Dream which is the life goal of most Americans and it also shows what a big difference is â€Å"between idealism and reality.† (Datesman, Crandall, Kearny 34)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay on The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka - 1973 Words

How individuals think about their identity and how they respond to others is a person’s self-concept. Various factors in an individual’s life can have a negative or positive affect on their self-concept. Focusing on negative self-concept, we can see reoccurring variables in their social environment that can trigger depressive symptoms. Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, begins when Gregor has awakened from his disturbed dream as a dung beetle. Gregor, the main character and Kafka himself, experienced insecure behavior, alienation and depression in their relationships. For Gregor, these symptoms had a tremendous effect on his self-concept: it led to a depressive and desolate end. Kafka’s misery in his real life was reflected in the Gregor‘s†¦show more content†¦Kafka’s relationships with his family and with women demonstrate an avoidant insecure attachment. In the article â€Å"Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka† written by Allan Beveri dge, Kafka felt â€Å"estranged† from society and his relationships (Beveridge 459). In The Metamorphosis, Gregor feels significantly inferior to his entire family: â€Å"[he] recoiled at his father’s brazen self-confidence† which made him â€Å"[feel] uneasy in his own body† (Beveridge 459).This feeling of insignificance parallels to his metamorphosis into vile vermin. Kafka’s relationship with his father was avoidant and throughout his adolescence and early adulthood his depressive symptoms and negative self-concept reflect the avoidant attachment. In the biography â€Å"Franz Kafka,† written by Veronica Loveday, Kafka’s upbringing could be described as a tormented one; â€Å"feeling oppressed by his domineering father †¦ [who] had high expectations for his son, was intimidating† (Loveday np). His father was an accomplished business man and like most fathers, had some hope that his son would continue in his footsteps. Af ter Kafka’s graduation, he began to work in the family business, just as asked by his father; Kafka hated his long hours and just like Gregor with his fretwork, he never found time for his short stories. Kafka felt constantly criticized at the job which inevitably lowered his self-concept. These continuous feelings of inadequacy created a constant struggle with own perception of himself, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka1052 Words   |  4 PagesFranz Kafka wrote one of his most popular books, The Metamorphosis, during the literary period and movement of existentialism. His novella stresses many existential ideals. The most predominant ideal that is seen through Gregor Samsa and his father in The Metamorphosis is that choice is the opportune of the individual. One’s ultimate goal in life is to successfully find a balance between work and leisure. It is through the juxtaposition of Gregor Samsa and his father, the conceding tone of the authorRead Mo reThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka867 Words   |  4 Pagesincluding rapid growth spurts. Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develop after birth or hatching. Involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt changes in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation. The author Franz Kafka, who relatively wrote little in his short life and who published less has been enormously influential on later writers. He is considered an export of German expressionism. The metamorphosis is Kafka’s longest story and oneRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka Essay1496 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The metamorphosis,† is a story by Franz Kafka, published in 1915 is a story divided in three chapters: transformation, acceptance, and the death of the protagonist. There are many interpretations that can form this tale as the indifference by the society that is concerned with different individuals, and isolation pushing some case s to the solitude. Some consider The Metamorphosis as an autobiography of the author, which tries to capture the loneliness and isolation that he felt at some pointRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1246 Words   |  5 PagesIt can be hard to understand the meaning of the novella â€Å"The Metamorphosis,† written by Franz Kafka, without thinking of the background. Due to the fact that, â€Å"using† and knowing â€Å"[the] background knowledge† of a story is important to read a â€Å"text† (Freebody and Luke). In the novella â€Å"The metamorphosis†, â€Å"Kafka’s personal history† has been â€Å"artfully [expressed]† (Classon 82). The novella was written in 1916, before the World War 1 in German {Research}. When the novella was written, in the EuropeRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1380 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myselfâ₠¬ : A Psychoanalysis reading of â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Kafka The Metamorphosis is known to be one of Franz Kafka’s best works of literature. It demonstrates the interconnection between his personal life and the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, of â€Å"The Metamorphosis.† Franz Kafka was born in 1883 and grew up in a financially stable Jewish family in Prague. He was the only son left after the death of his youngerRead MoreThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka656 Words   |  3 PagesMuch of Franz Kafkas story â€Å"The Metamorphosis† spends its time talking about Gregor as he struggles to live his new life as a bug. Gregor tries to find a analytical reason as to why he has taken upon this form but later on finds on that he has to accept the truth. From being an ordinary travel salesman and provider for his family to a abomination, Gregor becomes hopeless as he cant work or provide for his family. His new life as an insect causes a hardship as he is faced with isolation from hisRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka783 Words    |  4 Pages In the story â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, written by Franz Kafka, Gregor’s family represents the causing factor that prompts Gregor to become a cockroach. Gregor’s family is a symbol of a repressive structure that inhibits Gregor’s every thought and action. When Gregor gets up in the morning to get ready for work and finds that he has been transformed into a cockroach, he ponders about how maybe he should just go in to work late and get fired, but then realizes that he cannot because â€Å"if [he] were not holdingRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka947 Words   |  4 PagesThe Metamorphosis is a novella written by German author Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. The novella tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who one day awoke to discover he had transformed into an insect like monstrosity. Throughout the story, Gregor struggles with the horrible prospect of coming to terms with his situation, as well as copin g with the effects of his transformation, such as the fact that his family is repelled by his new form, and that he is no longerRead MoreThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka1021 Words   |  4 PagesFranz Kafka’s, The Metamorphosis, is a novella about Gregor Samsa, a man who devotes everything to fulfilling the needs of his family. Kafka’s existentialist perspective on the meaning of life is illustrated through the use of the protagonist of Gregor Samsa. Existentialism is a philosophy â€Å"concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility† (Existentialism). Gregor is unable to fulfill the existentialist view of finding meaning in one’s life;Read MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1050 Words   |  5 PagesOn the surface, â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Franz Kafka is an evocative story of a man transformed into a â€Å"monstrous vermin†. It seems to focus on the dark transformation of the story’s protagonist, Gregor, but there is an equal and opposing transformation that happens within Gregor’s family. Although Gregor has physically changed at the beginning of the story, he remains relatively unchanged as the novella progresses. The family, on the other hand, is forced to drastically change how they support themselves